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Work with us comfortable and interesting. We have constantly new non-trivial task and a beautiful non-standard solutions. Normally we try to use the edge technologies and modern trends in a web development. We write a lot of opensource code and share it on githab, so if you need a portfolio that you can show someone in the future - it's a great opportunity.

If you are young (or experienced), tech-savvy (or at least know the basics - looked and practise with a railscasts, read a books and just did not have enough experience and real commercial problems), you want to grow and not crossed the line, "I know everything" after which begins the degradation - write to us, send your CV, even if at this particular moment on this page have no open vacancies. We are always open for new people with "a bright spark".



Work with us comfortable and interesting. We have constantly new non-trivial task and a beautiful non-standard solutions. Normally we try to use the edge technologies and modern trends in a web development. We write a lot of opensource code and share it on githab, so if you need a portfolio that you can show someone in the future - it's a great opportunity.

If you are young (or experienced), tech-savvy (or at least know the basics - looked and practise with a railscasts, read a books and just did not have enough experience and real commercial problems), you want to grow and not crossed the line, "I know everything" after which begins the degradation - write to us, send your CV, even if at this particular moment on this page have no open vacancies. We are always open for new people with "a bright spark".